Hello everyone. This is Takayuki Kondo.
Today I want to introduce you about a special visit that we received from Mexico.
They, 10 visitors from Mexico, participated in the “Program for Strengthening the Competitiveness of SMEs and the Supporting Industry” of the “Mexico-Japan Exchange Program for the Strategic Global”.
This “Mexico-Japan Exchange Program for the Strategic Global” has been hold by the Central Japan Industries Association (ChuSanRen) entrusted by JICA. The purpose of this Program is solving some problems in Mexico by learning Japanese skills and knowledges through some lectures, exercises and researches in Japan. They visited us for second time.
JICA brings us good relationships many times. Previously, by the program that we held as “SMEs’ overseas business expansion” also supported by JICA, 7 Professors and Engineers from Brazil also visited us. We also got a really good chance in 2009 with the project “JICA’s PROVINCIAL TRAINING PROGRAM – CONSTRUCTION OF THE AUTO MOBILE RECYCLE SYSTEM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES”. I really appreciated those chances from JICA.
The purpose of visiting us this time was understanding the effort for the Global Environment thorough dismantling cars, selling old parts and coordinate the community that use renewable energy.
In 2015, the populations of both Japan and Mexico was about 120 million. So that, recycling cars should become an important task for both countries.
They understood that recycling will be a really important thing in all over the World.
I think we have to concern with the situation of recycling in Mexico and connect that to the social contributions.