Happy New Year.
This is Takayuki Kondo.

I hope you would provide me the same support as last year.

I am grateful that we were able to meet many people last year.

I am really glad that 826people (38groups) came to visit and observe Kaiho Sangyo last year. The last year number was only 262people (14groups).

This has been made possible by the TV show “Kanbulia-Kyuden” broadcasted all over Japan in 2014.
Even now, many people who watched the TV show is still asking about Kaiho Sangyo. I am surprised and thankful by the power and influence of a national broadcast.

Moreover, some groups that came, knew us by word-of-mouth from other groups that visited us before.
In addition, some people bought to us used cars and treasure chairs (made from automobile seats) also by word-of-mouth from the groups.
So that I am also really surprised and grateful for the power and influence of a “word-of-mouth”.
I can describe the last year by this words: “Good encounter lead you good fortune.”

Our company name, “Kaiho Sangyo”, has some meanings, one of them is “OPEN”.
We have to inform more about our business (What is the recycling car business? Why can the business contribute to the environment preservation? What can we do to contribute to environment? ) to build the venous industry and contribute to a sustainable recycling society.

We are planning to hold the recycle festival this summer once again.
If you want to visit and observe Kaiho Sangyo as a group, we will be more than happy to receive you. Please feel free to ask us at any time.